Patient Rights & Obligations
Under the law (Law 2071/Government Gazette 123/92 volume A /Article 47), the rights of the patient are the following:
- The patient has the right of access to hospital services most appropriate to the nature of their disease.
- The patient has the right to receive medical care with due respect to their human dignity. This care includes not only the general practice of medicine and nursing, but also paramedical services, suitable accommodation, appropriate treatment and efficient administrative and technical support.
- The patient has the right to consent to or refuse any diagnostic or therapeutic procedure which is about to be performed on him/her. In case of a patient with partial or total mental incapacity, this right is exercised by the individual legally entitled to act on their behalf.
- The patient has the right to request information on anything regarding their state of health.
- The patient’s interest is crucial and depends on the inclusiveness and accuracy of the information provided to them. Patients should be informed in a manner that allows them to form a complete overview of the medical, social and financial aspects of their state of health, and make decisions himself/herself or participate in the decision-making process that may affect their life in the future.
- The patient (or their representative in case of the circumstances of paragraph 3) has the right to be fully informed in advance of the risks that may arise or occur due to them undergoing unusual or experimental diagnostic or therapeutic medical procedures. The application of such medical procedures takes place only after patient has given their specific consent. This consent may be revoked by the patient at any time.
- The patient should feel completely free on their decision to accept or reject any cooperation for the purpose of research or training. Consent to participation is their right and may be revoked at any time.
- The patient has the right, within limits and under realistic conditions whenever this is possible, to safeguard their private life. The confidential nature of the information and content of the documents concerning him/her, the medical notes file and findings must be guaranteed.
- The patient has the right to be treated with respect when it comes to their religious and ideological beliefs.
- The patient has the right to present or file complaints and objections and to receive full knowledge concerning the actions and results thereof.
Active and responsible participation in the patient’s treatment process requires the following responsibilities:
- Respecting the operating rules of the Clinic.
- Informing the medical and nursing staff about any medications he/she may have been taking before being admitted to the Clinic and cooperating in a sincere manner.
- Providing medical tests performed in the past as well as any other document relevant to their medical history.
- Showing understanding and being calm towards their relations with staff, as well as respect other patients.
- Not leaving their ward without permission.
- Accompanying persons and visitors noiselessly, because patients need peace and quiet.
- Both patients and visitors must help maintain the cleanliness of all areas and not keep food and flowers in the hospitalization areas.
- Visits of relatives and friends should be kept short and not overcrowded (presence in the ward not permitted for children under the age of 12).
- The patient shall settle their obligations relating to their hospitalization cost by submitting details of their health insurance institution or any other supporting documents requested by the Patient Admission Office and the Patient Accounting Office.
- The patient is not allowed to consume alcoholic beverages.
- Smoking is strictly prohibited in all areas of the Clinic.
- For each complaint, the patient and relatives may contact the Departments Directors, as well as the Clinic’s Quality Assurance Office.